Free Cover Crop Basics Book
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Drilled | broadcast | |
Seeding rate | Mono-culture 15 lbs. per acre IN MIXES 5-7 LBS. per acre | mono-culture 25 lbs. per acre in mixes 12-16 lbs. per acre |
planting depth | 1/4 inch | Ensure good seed to soil contact |
ideal soil | Prefers slightly alkaline loam and silty soils with a of pH 6+ | Prefers slightly alkaline loam and silty soils with a of pH 6+ |
High nitrogen fixation (over 100 lbs./A) and low hard seed for organic or non-organic farming
IMPROVE ALFALFA STANDSFrosty Berseem Clover has a synergistic relationship with alfalfa. The synergistic relationship between berseem clover and alfalfa make the legume an effective companion crop due to its rapid summer growth, notable nitrogen fixation and similar appearance.
OVERSEED INTO ALFALFAAlfalfa produces autotoxins that suppress the growth of young alfalfa seedlings in existing stands. However, research found a seeded mixture of 80 percent alfalfa to 20 percent berseem clover can significantly improve the quality and yield of forage.
SHORT-SEASON FORAGE CROP (NON-BLOATING LEGUME)In trials at MSU Deer Lab in Mississippi 2014-2015, no other clover drew in the deer like Frosty Berseem. Frosty attracted four times more deer than the next leading competitor!
ALFALFA HAY/SILAGE CROPSThicken declining alfalfa stands or fill in winter-killed alfalfa fields
Have you received your free copy of the NEW Cover Crop Basics, 3rd Edition? Order for yourself, your neighbor, or your soil health event today!